What Is Application Modernization?

IN-COMApplication Modernization

Application modernization is the process of updating legacy software and infrastructure for newer computing approaches, including cloud computing, modern programming languages, and architectural patterns. It often involves re-platforming, rehosting, or refactoring existing applications to align with current business needs and technology standards. Lift and shift migration strategy also simplifies legacy app transitions.

The goal of application modernization is to enhance features, find process driven ways to improve performance, increase security, and achieve better scalability. This transformation allows businesses to better update legacy applications more effectively. It can also lead to new feature delivery, cost savings by optimizing resources and continuous delivery along with operational efficiency.

Application Modernization is critical for organizations seeking to leverage the latest technological advancements without completely discarding monolithic applications and existing investments in software. This also offloads technical debt.

What does modernization mean?

Application modernization is the strategic process of updating infrastructure and enhancing legacy applications and systems to meet contemporary technological standards and business needs. It involves transforming existing applications with the help of operations teams, by adopting advanced architectures, cloud-based solutions, and cutting-edge technologies. All of which also improves customer experience.

Modernization aims to improve scalability, security, and performance while reducing maintenance costs. By integrating modern tools like microservices, containerization, and automation, organizations streamline operations, enhance user experiences, and remain competitive in evolving markets. This comprehensive overhaul ensures that older systems evolve, enabling businesses to leverage innovation and adapt to the rapidly changing digital landscape effectively. Scalability benefits from lift and shift app modernization goals.

Why do enterprises need application modernization?

Technology has undergone a transformative evolution, reshaping the landscape of applications and architectural reasons for modernization. Because of this many corporations have monolithic application and are outdated, application modernization is a real business need.

Shifting business dynamics demand agility and responsiveness, compelling organizations to update their applications for enhanced efficiency and competitiveness to modernize legacy applications. Because companies face the challenge of modernizing their systems to integrate new functionalities, improve user experience, and adapt to emerging technologies, SMARTTS XL is a great option that simplifies and saves time.

As highlighted by resources offered by IN-COM the need to modernize applications is vital for businesses striving to stay relevant and competitive in a dynamic technological landscape.

Through strategic planning and innovative approaches, companies can effectively revamp their applications, ensure application security, modernizing applications and overcoming challenges associated with outdated systems to drive efficiency and secure their position in the market. There are many benefits of application modernization.

Application modernization strategies and patterns

Application modernization refers to the process of updating legacy software and systems to leverage modern technologies, methodologies, and architectures, thereby enhancing their functionality, performance, and efficiency. To modernize existing apps just makes sense. This transformation is crucial to adapt to evolving business needs, improve agility, reduce operational costs, and stay competitive in the digital landscape. A successful application modernization strategy is crucial.

Several patterns guide the modernization journey, each addressing distinct aspects of older systems:

  1. Rehosting involves migrating existing applications to new infrastructure without altering their codebase. It offers quick migration and cost savings but might not fully exploit modern capabilities.
  1. Re-platforming focuses on migrating applications to a new platform, optimizing performance and scalability. It involves minimal code changes, aiming to leverage the benefits of a new environment.
  2. Refactoring includes restructuring existing code without altering its external behavior. This pattern enhances code maintainability, scalability, and often focuses on cloud-native architectures.
  3. Rearchitecting involves redesigning applications, usually for cloud deployment, to maximize cloud-native features like auto-scaling or microservices architecture. It requires substantial changes but yields significant long-term benefits.
  4. Rebuilding is the complete rewrite of applications to modern technology stacks, offering the most extensive improvements but requiring significant time and resources.

Selecting the appropriate modernization pattern depends on specific business goals, existing constraints, software development and the desired level of transformation. Application modernization projects prove to be beneficial. For instance, rehosting might suit urgent cost-saving needs, while rearchitecting is ideal for companies aiming for innovation leveraging hybrid cloud capabilities. Evaluating factors like budget, timeline, scalability needs, and the desired level of disruption is crucial in making an informed choice.

This link discusses five significant benefits of IT modernization for enterprises, emphasizing the advantages of adopting hybrid cloud solutions. Embracing hybrid cloud architectures can facilitate seamless integration of legacy systems with modern technologies, offering flexibility and scalability while optimizing costs.

App modernization steps

Successful application modernization involves several key steps. First, assess existing legacy applications to understand their architecture and functionalities. The existing application often needs an update. Next, prioritize existing apps based on business needs and compatibility for modernization. Then, plan a strategy for legacy application modernization, emphasizing migration to a modern cloud platform to accelerate cloud adoption. Implement existing application and software development methodologies for efficient modernization, ensuring seamless integration and functionality while leveraging modern technologies in your data center.


A comprehensive assessment helps operation teams to reveal strengths, weaknesses, redundancies, and opportunities, guiding effective improvements, cost reductions, and streamlined operations for innovation, growth and to future proof each data center.

Strategic Planning:

Strategic planning anchors success, intertwining clear objectives with a meticulously devised roadmap, fostering synergy between actions and business ambitions.


During implementation, code rewriting streamlines inefficiencies, refactoring enhances readability, while adopting new architectures optimizes performance. This phase ensures code quality, scalability, and adaptability, vital for seamless integration and robust system evolution without re engineering or re hosting.

Testing and Quality Assurance:

Rigorous testing ensures modern apps meet standards, perform reliably, and deliver user satisfaction, fostering trust and success in today’s competitive digital landscape.


Modernized application deployment involves prioritizing user experience and seamless system integration. Best practices include thorough testing, incremental rollouts, scalable infrastructure, robust security measures, continuous monitoring, user feedback incorporation, and streamlined collaboration between development and operations teams, ensuring smooth transitions and optimized performance for end-users..

Key technologies for application modernization

Key technologies driving application modernization encompass Application Modernization Tools, Virtual Machines and Platform Infrastructure. These tools optimize existing infrastructure, enhance internal architecture, and streamline business processes. SMART TS XL integrates with data centers, augmenting operational efficiency while enabling seamless migration to modernized application portfolios. For more information, visit: In-Com Application Portfolio Management Software

Cloud Services:

Popular cloud services like AWS, Azure, and GCP aid app modernization, offering scalability, flexibility, cost-effectiveness to many organizations. Consider data security, integration, and migration challenges

Containerization Technologies:

An example of Containerization technology is Docker, which simplifies app packaging for portability; and Kubernetes which manages containerized apps, enabling scalability, efficiency, and orchestration for streamlined deployment and management.

DevOps Practices:

DevOps fosters efficiency by merging development and operations, enabling seamless collaboration and automated workflows. Continuous Integration (CI) ensures frequent code integration, reducing conflicts, while Continuous Deployment (CD) automates testing and deployment, accelerating delivery. Together, they streamline processes, enhance quality in other systems and organization’s applications, and promote agility in software modernization endeavors.

How businesses can stay ahead in the modernization journey:

Application modernization is crucial for businesses to stay competitive in the digital era. It involves continuous adaptation and enhancement of software, enabling agility, scalability, and efficiency.

Businesses aiming to stay ahead in the modernization journey must prioritize legacy modernization, migrating mission-critical applications to a private cloud infrastructure. This shift facilitates scalability, security, and agility. Upgrading application architecture enhances adaptability to meet evolving market demands, leveraging newer technologies for efficient performance. Employing contemporary solutions like .NET apps ensures compatibility and robust functionality. A strategic roadmap incorporating these elements fosters innovation while mitigating risks associated with outdated systems. Embracing a forward-thinking approach to legacy modernization, coupled with private cloud utilization and optimized applications, empowers businesses to navigate the ever-evolving technological landscape, ensuring sustained relevance and competitive edge.

Embracing this ongoing modernization process ensures optimized performance, improved user experience, and cost-effective operations. Businesses benefit from enhanced security, cloud migration, reduced technical debt, and increased innovation potential. Modernized applications enable seamless integration of new technologies, fostering growth and meeting evolving customer needs for multiple environments, including on premises environments and hybrid environments. Embracing this evolution is paramount for staying relevant and competitive, driving success in today’s dynamic landscape.

How IN-COM Can Help

IN-COM Data, a leader in application modernization solutions and modernization strategy, facilitates seamless transformation journeys. Leveraging their expertise, IN-COM Data’s SMART TS XL Solution aids app modernization by analyzing legacy systems, devising tailored strategies, and implementing cutting-edge solutions. A plus is increasing developer productivity and many business benefits like cost optimization and total digital transformation.

Their software technology streamlines legacy application migration, application modernization, optimizing efficiency and reducing operational costs. IN-COM’s teams adeptly navigate complexities that are time consuming, ensuring a smooth transition to new functionality in modernizing applications and modernized platforms. By offering robust support and innovative methodologies companies have a clear path for most organizations. They empower businesses to embrace contemporary architectures heavily coupled with enhancing agility and competitiveness to enhance customer experience. IN-COM’s commitment to excellence and comprehensive approach paves the way for successful application modernization initiatives.