Code Splitting Technique for Developers

Breaking the Code: Mastering Code Splitting for Next-Level Performance

IN-COMApplication Modernization, Code Analysis, Code Review, Data Management, Developers, Impact Analysis, Legacy Systems

Applications are growing larger and more complex, so developers seek ways to enhance performance and optimize user experience. Code splitting addresses these challenges by managing how and when various parts of an application’s code are loaded. Exploring code splitting, its benefits, implementation methods, best practices, and how tools like SMART TS XL can facilitate its adoption, especially in the context of modernizing legacy applications.

What is Code Splitting?

Code splitting is a technique used to break down large codebases into smaller, manageable chunks or bundles. This approach allows an application to load only the necessary parts of its code at a specific moment, rather than loading the entire codebase upfront. This helps improve the initial load time, reduces memory usage, and provides a smoother user experience.

For example, in single-page applications (SPAs), all the code might traditionally be bundled into one large JavaScript file. As the application grows, this file becomes larger, leading to slower load times. Code splitting tackles this issue by dividing the code into smaller pieces, allowing the application to load only what’s required for the current page or functionality.

Why Code Splitting Matters

The importance of code splitting lies in its ability to optimize application performance and user experience. Large code bundles can significantly affect load times, particularly on slower networks or mobile devices. By reducing the amount of code that needs to be downloaded and executed, code splitting results in faster interactions and a more responsive application. In today’s digital environment, even a brief delay in load time can cause users to abandon an application, resulting in lost engagement and potential revenue.

Code splitting also helps minimize the memory footprint of an application by ensuring only necessary modules are loaded into memory at any given point. This is beneficial for applications with rich, feature-heavy interfaces, where not all functionality is required simultaneously.

How Code Splitting Works

Static Code Splitting (Route-Based Code Splitting)

Static code splitting, also known as “route-based code splitting,” involves breaking the code into chunks at build time based on predetermined rules. This approach is commonly used in web applications that have distinct routes or views, such as SPAs.

In this method, each route or major component is bundled into its own file during the build process. When the user navigates to a particular route, the application only loads the corresponding bundle. Static code splitting is often implemented using module bundlers, which automatically divide the code into separate bundles as specified by the developer.

For example, in a React application, static code splitting can be achieved using the import() syntax. The code below demonstrates how different routes can be split into separate bundles:

static code splitting

In this example, the Home and About components are split into separate bundles. These bundles are loaded dynamically when the user navigates to the respective routes, reducing the amount of code that needs to be loaded initially.

Dynamic Code Splitting (On-Demand Code Splitting)

Dynamic code splitting, also known as “on-demand” or “lazy loading,” involves breaking down the code at runtime based on user interactions. This strategy uses dynamic imports (import()) to load specific code chunks only when they are needed. Unlike static code splitting, dynamic splitting allows for more granular control, enabling developers to split code within components or even at the function level.

Dynamic code splitting is particularly useful for loading infrequently used components, such as modals, widgets, or third-party libraries, thereby reducing the initial bundle size. Here’s an example of dynamic code splitting in a React component:

dynamic code splitting

In this example, LazyComponent is only loaded when the user clicks the button. This reduces the initial load time and ensures that unnecessary code is not executed until required. The Suspense component is used to handle the loading state, providing feedback to the user while the component is being loaded.

Benefits of Code Splitting

 Improved Initial Load Time

One of the primary advantages of code splitting is the improvement in the initial load time of an application. By dividing the codebase into smaller chunks, the browser only downloads the essential code needed for the first screen or user interaction. This results in a faster initial load, as the browser doesn’t have to process large, monolithic files before rendering the application.

In single-page applications (SPAs), where all components are traditionally bundled together, code splitting allows the application to load only the components necessary for the current view. This significantly reduces the time to the first meaningful paint, improving the perceived performance and responsiveness of the application.

Enhanced Application Performance

Code splitting optimizes application performance by reducing the memory footprint and the amount of JavaScript that needs to be executed. By loading code in smaller segments, the application minimizes the strain on system resources, resulting in smoother interactions, especially on devices with limited processing power.

As users navigate through different parts of the application, code splitting ensures that only the required chunks are loaded when needed. This on-demand loading mechanism prevents unnecessary code execution, which can enhance overall performance and lead to a more responsive user experience.

Efficient Resource Management

With code splitting, only the necessary modules or features are loaded into memory at any given time. This selective loading ensures more efficient use of system resources, particularly memory. When the application does not load all the code upfront, the system can allocate resources to running essential components, avoiding potential slowdowns caused by excessive memory usage.

This aspect is particularly valuable for applications that are rich in features and have complex user interfaces. By managing resources efficiently, the application can handle more features without a corresponding decline in performance.

Faster Subsequent Loads with Caching

Another key benefit of code splitting is improved caching. When an application is divided into multiple smaller bundles, the browser can cache individual chunks. On subsequent visits, only the new or updated chunks need to be downloaded. This means that the parts of the application that haven’t changed will already be in the browser’s cache, resulting in faster load times for returning users.

In traditional monolithic applications, any minor change would require users to download the entire bundle again. Code splitting alleviates this issue by ensuring that only the changed chunks are re-fetched, reducing data usage and speeding up subsequent interactions.

Improved Scalability and Maintainability

Breaking down an application into smaller, manageable modules inherently makes it easier to maintain and scale. Code splitting encourages modular design, where developers focus on building and updating individual chunks of code. This modularity simplifies the debugging process since issues can be isolated to specific parts of the application.

As the application grows and new features are introduced, developers can split additional modules into new chunks without affecting the performance of existing code. This approach enables continuous development and deployment, allowing the application to scale more efficiently.

Smoother User Experience

When users interact with an application, they expect a seamless experience with minimal delays. Code splitting contributes to a smoother user experience by asynchronously loading new modules in the background as users navigate through different parts of the application. By preloading or prefetching code for the next possible interactions, the application can deliver near-instant responses, reducing perceived latency.

For example, in a web application, code splitting allows the initial page to load quickly while background prefetching loads additional resources. This strategy ensures that subsequent navigations feel fast and fluid, as the necessary code has already been loaded before the user requests it.

Better Handling of Complex Applications

In large-scale applications, managing complex functionalities can lead to an overwhelmingly large bundle of code that degrades performance. Code splitting addresses this challenge by allowing developers to break down these complex functionalities into smaller, independent modules that can be loaded when needed.

This modularization ensures that only relevant parts of the codebase are processed during user interactions, preventing performance bottlenecks. By managing complexity in this manner, code splitting enables developers to create rich, feature-heavy applications without compromising on performance.

Enhanced Flexibility for Feature Updates

Code splitting provides flexibility when updating or adding features to an application. Since different features are isolated into separate chunks, developers can modify or introduce new functionality without affecting the entire codebase. This decoupled approach minimizes the risk of introducing bugs and ensures that changes have a limited impact on other parts of the application.

When a new feature is added, it can be bundled into its own chunk, which can be loaded dynamically when required. This not only speeds up the deployment process but also reduces the likelihood of regression issues in existing features.

Optimized Network Usage

By limiting the initial bundle size, code splitting optimizes network usage. This is especially beneficial for users on slower connections or mobile devices, where large bundles can lead to prolonged loading times. Since only the code necessary for the current user interaction is fetched, network resources are utilized more efficiently.

Additionally, by preloading or prefetching resources based on anticipated user behavior, code splitting ensures that the application fetches only what’s necessary, avoiding the bandwidth wastage that comes with downloading unused modules.

Facilitates Progressive Web Application (PWA) Implementation

For developers building Progressive Web Applications (PWAs), code splitting is essential. PWAs aim to provide an app-like experience on the web, with fast load times and offline capabilities. Code splitting supports this goal by reducing the size of the initial download and enabling dynamic loading of content based on user interaction. It also works seamlessly with service workers, which can cache individual chunks to facilitate offline access and quick loads, further enhancing the PWA experience.

Best Practices for Code Splitting

While code splitting can significantly enhance application performance, following best practices maximizes its benefits:

Avoid Over-Splitting

Splitting the code into too many small chunks can lead to an excessive number of network requests, potentially causing more harm than good. It’s crucial to strike a balance between reducing bundle size and minimizing the number of HTTP requests.

Group Similar Modules

When splitting code, group similar modules that are often used together into a single chunk. This reduces redundant loading and ensures related functionality is available when needed.

Optimize Load Priority

Use techniques like preload and prefetch to optimize the loading priority of code chunks. This helps in loading critical chunks faster while preloading less urgent ones, further improving user experience.

Testing and Profiling

Regularly test and profile the application to monitor the impact of code splitting on performance. Testing tools can identify bottlenecks and help optimize the split strategy.

Challenges and Considerations

While code splitting is a powerful technique for enhancing the performance of web applications, it comes with its own set of challenges and considerations. Proper implementation of code splitting requires careful planning and a deep understanding of the application’s architecture, user behavior, and potential pitfalls. Here are some of the main challenges and considerations developers face when implementing code splitting:

Increased Complexity in Codebase Management

One of the most significant challenges of code splitting is the added complexity it introduces to the codebase. When an application is broken into smaller, independently loaded chunks, developers must manage when and how these chunks are loaded. This involves dealing with asynchronous loading of modules, ensuring that dynamically imported components work seamlessly with the rest of the application, and handling potential errors during loading.

This complexity can increase the learning curve for new developers joining the project and might make debugging more challenging. Mistakes in managing split code can lead to runtime errors or unexpected behavior, impacting the stability of the application.

Dependency Management and Code Duplication

When splitting code into smaller bundles, it’s crucial to monitor the dependencies included in each chunk. If two or more chunks share common dependencies, they might end up including these dependencies separately, leading to code duplication across bundles. This redundancy increases the total size of the files that need to be downloaded, which can negate the performance benefits of code splitting.

To mitigate this, developers must be diligent in analyzing their dependency tree and using optimization strategies like extracting shared dependencies into separate bundles. However, this adds an extra layer of complexity to the build process and requires regular monitoring as the application evolves.

Handling the Loading State

When using dynamic imports, components or modules are loaded asynchronously. This means there might be a delay between the time a user triggers an action (e.g., navigating to a new route) and the moment the corresponding code chunk is downloaded and executed. During this delay, the user interface needs to handle the loading state gracefully, typically by displaying a loading spinner or placeholder content.

Managing this loading state properly is crucial to maintaining a smooth user experience. Poor handling can result in a sluggish, unresponsive interface, which can frustrate users and cause them to abandon the application. Additionally, developers need to handle potential loading errors (e.g., network failures) and provide meaningful feedback to users when such situations occur.

Balancing the Number of Chunks

Splitting code into too many small chunks can lead to an excessive number of network requests. When the browser makes multiple requests to fetch each chunk, it can cause delays due to network latency, particularly on slow connections. On the other hand, creating fewer, larger chunks may improve network efficiency but can still result in large file sizes that take longer to download and parse.

Finding the right balance between the number of chunks and their sizes is critical. This often requires developers to profile the application, experiment with different chunking strategies, and fine-tune the configuration to suit the specific use case. This process is ongoing, as changes to the application’s codebase or user behavior can necessitate adjustments in how the code is split.

Impact on Initial Load Performance

Although code splitting can improve load performance by delaying the loading of certain parts of the codebase, it can sometimes have the opposite effect if not implemented thoughtfully. For instance, if the initial chunk that loads the core functionality of the application becomes too large, it can slow down the initial render time. Additionally, if too many critical components are split into separate chunks that need to be loaded right away, it may result in multiple, simultaneous network requests, potentially delaying the initial rendering.

To optimize initial load performance, developers need to carefully select which parts of the codebase to include in the initial bundle and which to split off into separate chunks. This involves understanding which components and modules are essential for the first interaction with the user and deferring the loading of less critical functionality until it is needed.

Caching and Versioning

Caching is a key consideration in improving application performance. With code splitting, each chunk can be cached independently, reducing the amount of data that needs to be downloaded on subsequent visits. However, this also introduces the complexity of cache management and versioning. When code changes, how do you ensure that the correct, updated chunks are loaded without the user encountering errors caused by stale cached files?

Proper cache-busting strategies, such as using content hashing in filenames, are essential to ensure that users always receive the latest version of each chunk. However, implementing these strategies correctly requires careful planning and understanding of how browsers and content delivery networks (CDNs) handle caching.

Monitoring and Analytics

Code splitting can affect how user interactions are tracked and analyzed. When chunks are loaded dynamically, it can become more challenging to monitor user behavior effectively, such as tracking how long it takes for certain features to become interactive or measuring the impact of specific chunks on performance.

To address this, developers need to integrate monitoring and analytics tools that support dynamic loading. These tools can provide insights into how code splitting affects user experience, helping developers fine-tune their splitting strategy.

Testing and Profiling

Testing an application that uses code splitting requires additional considerations. Developers need to ensure that the split components work seamlessly together and handle asynchronous loading states properly. Automated tests should cover scenarios such as lazy loading of components, error handling during dynamic imports, and user interactions while chunks are being fetched.

Profiling tools become essential in optimizing the splitting strategy. Developers need to regularly profile the application to identify bottlenecks, monitor chunk sizes, and analyze network requests to ensure that the code splitting is yielding the desired performance benefits.

User Experience Impact

Ultimately, the goal of code splitting is to enhance user experience. However, improper use can result in negative experiences, such as delayed interactions, loading spinners appearing too often, or unexpected behaviors during navigation. Developers must keep the user journey in mind while designing their code splitting strategy, ensuring that the application remains fast, responsive, and smooth.

How SMART TS XL Can Be Useful for Code Splitting Purposes

SMART TS XL is a sophisticated tool designed to provide in-depth analysis of large codebases, uncovering patterns, and highlighting areas that may benefit from optimization, modernization, and restructuring. When it comes to code splitting, SMART TS XL can identify which parts of an application are suitable candidates for splitting and help developers make informed decisions to optimize performance. 

SMART TS XL also identifies small but heavily referenced files. Developers can use this information to determine if these files can be refactored into smaller, independent modules that can be dynamically loaded when needed.

Analyzing File Dependencies and Cross-Program Interactions

Code splitting can become complex when there are interdependencies between various modules. SMART TS XL’s capability to map out file references and interactions is invaluable here. It allows developers to understand which files are closely coupled and which ones have broader dependencies across the application. This insight is essential when deciding where to split code to avoid redundant loading and unnecessary complexity.

By revealing the interactions and dependencies, SMART TS XL enables developers to create a clear code splitting strategy that minimizes duplicated code across chunks, ensuring that common utilities and shared modules are handled in an optimized manner.

Uncovering Hidden Complexities in Small, High-Usage Files

SMART TS XL can identify small files that have a surprisingly high reference count. These files often represent utility functions that are used throughout the system. Understanding their role and distribution across the codebase allows developers to decide how these utilities can be incorporated into a code splitting strategy.

SMART TS XL’s ability to detect these patterns ensures that even frequently overlooked utility functions are considered during code splitting.

Supporting Legacy Modernization with Code Splitting Insights

Legacy applications often contain monolithic structures with tightly coupled components. SMART TS XL excels in scanning through legacy codebases and identifying potential areas for modularization. By highlighting the presence of large files, and mapping their extensive references, the tool helps developers prioritize which parts of the legacy system should be split into smaller modules.

During the process of modernizing legacy codebases, SMART TS XL can help identify which segments of the code are most critical to the system’s data flow, such as key Natural-based programs or complex COBOL routines. This allows developers to implement code splitting in a way that not only improves performance but also maintains the integrity of the legacy logic.

Monitoring Potential Redundancies for Cleanup and Code Splitting Opportunities

SMART TS XL can detect files with low reference counts and minimal sizes. These could indicate redundant or outdated code that may clutter the system. By cleaning up such files, developers can streamline the codebase, making it easier to implement code splitting.

Moreover, SMART TS XL’s detailed analysis can help developers identify modules that have overlapping functionalities or could be consolidated. Once redundant files are consolidated or removed, the remaining codebase becomes more modular and suited for code splitting.

Strategic Planning for Code Splitting

SMART TS XL’s data, including file size distribution, reference counts, and interaction patterns, allows for strategic planning of code splitting. Developers can use this information to decide which parts of the application should be included in the initial bundle and which parts can be loaded asynchronously. By correlating reference counts with file sizes, SMART TS XL helps pinpoint “hotspots” within the application—modules that are both large and heavily used, which are excellent candidates for splitting to enhance performance.


Code splitting is not a one-size-fits-all solution but rather a dynamic tool in the developer’s toolkit. When implemented correctly, it can transform a sluggish, monolithic application into a fast, responsive, and scalable system. It enhances user experience by loading only the necessary parts of the code, reducing memory usage, and optimizing resource management. However, its implementation demands careful consideration of potential challenges, including increased complexity, handling loading states, managing dependencies, and balancing chunk sizes. By understanding these challenges and conducting thorough impact analysis, static code analysis, and ongoing testing, developers can master code splitting to build high-performing, user-centric applications. In an era where performance is a key differentiator in digital experiences, code splitting offers a sophisticated method to keep applications lean, responsive, and adaptable to changing demands.

SMART TS XL provides an in-depth look into the structure and usage of code within a software system, making it an indispensable tool for guiding code splitting decisions. Its ability to analyze file sizes, reference counts, dependencies, and interactions helps developers identify critical parts of the application that would benefit most from code splitting. By revealing hidden complexities, monitoring potential redundancies, and supporting legacy modernization, SMART TS XL equips developers with the insights needed to optimize their applications, reduce bundle sizes, and improve load times. This ultimately results in a more modular, scalable, and high-performing system, tailored to the unique requirements of each application.