application modernization IT organizations

Why IT Organizations Need Application Modernization

IN-COMApplication Modernization, Information Technology, IT Organizations

Application Modernization is a necessary and unavoidable part of a complete cloud-based digital transformation. Application modernization includes creating a project which is designed to make new business practicality from existing legacy technologies, while also upgrading the existing structure using modern technologies and solutions.

Such projects generally begin with a basic overview of the business environment and current practices. Based on this information, a team of experts specializing in software development approaches can be deployed to determine the most appropriate technology solution that fits the organization’s requirements. The migration of legacy systems presents significant challenges for companies that are transitioning to cloud-based applications.

These challenges are outlined below. 

Why Should Businesses Modernize Their Legacy Applications? 

A lack of a clear strategy is often seen as the primary impediment towards the successful migration of legacy systems. There is often an apparent tension between what legacy systems administrators want their organizations to perform and what modern business needs dictate. Ultimately, the successful modernization ensures that both objectives are met, and that business needs and objectives can be efficiently served. This requires a plan. 

The Application Modernization Process 

Companies must first determine their software application modernization requirements before commencing the modern application process. Depending on the company’s software architecture, the initial steps will vary. Regardless of whether the source code is written in Java, XML, C++, or any other programming language, the basic components required to bring legacy code into the cloud will be different. Regardless of whether there is a need to convert database records, contact details, or any other piece of legacy code, each step will require unique techniques and training. In short, a traditional IT department will not be able to effectively perform all the tasks needed to modernize applications successfully. 

With this in mind, organizations must select a specific set of guiding principles and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the cost and efficiency of their software application modernization projects. KPIs are designed to guide executives with the prioritized investment objectives over time. Key performance indicators also include metrics that reflect user experience (UX), such as usability, security, and speed, to name a few. 

Benefits of Legacy System Modernization 

The current trends in IT and software development markets have indicated that the future of digital transformation is headed to the cloud. Organizations that embrace the new application modernization services are those that understand how to best partner with developers who are experts in this rapidly evolving field. Cloud computing is rapidly increasing in popularity due to its ability to deliver more functionality, increased speed, and increased control. While most developers are not experts in software development and management, they can still adapt to the new transformations being experienced by their counterparts across the globe. 

Enterprises that are moving to the cloud will need to determine whether they are better served by developing their own in-house IT or if they should outsource this task. With in-house IT, there are additional expenses involved, such as training, compliance costs, and IT maintenance. Outsourced technical consultants eliminate these costs while delivering a more timely and higher-quality solution.  

Enterprises can continue to invest in their in-house IT department, but the move to the cloud will quickly create a need for additional IT staff to manage cloud solutions. Outsourcing will also result in more efficiency because IT will no longer be limited to certain applications only. These new advancements and streamlined processes are ideal for companies moving to the cloud.  

IT consulting application modernization

Application Modernization Improves UX 

The primary goal of applying modernizing technology to enterprise processes is to improve user experience. This means that users should be able to access and use applications wherever they are located, as long as they have internet access. Companies that want to apply this digital transformation must determine what their current and future needs are. For example, if an organization requires employees to use corporate email on a daily basis, then it would likely be easier to implement group messaging into their modernizing enterprise processes. On the other hand, organizations may wish to utilize their in-house email system to send occasional messages or respond to customer requests. This will require different technologies and approaches in order to be successful. 

Improve Your Business Through Application Modernization 

Another benefit of application modernization is that the ability to communicate with the outside world is easier and more efficient. Developers can easily communicate with hiring managers, hiring executives, and sales professionals who may not be familiar with internal development processes. With digital transformation, hiring team members becomes easier because they are able to see each candidate’s professional history, work experience, educational background, and skill set. This ensures that the best candidates are hired for legacy IT positions.