Top Legacy Modernization Tools and Software for 2024

IN-COMApplication Modernization, Data Modernization, Legacy Systems

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, businesses are constantly faced with the challenge of modernizing their legacy systems.

These are typically built on outdated technology, can hinder innovation, scalability, and efficiency. To stay competitive and meet the demands of the digital age, many are turning to legacy solutions.

This has evolved to cater to complex business landscapes, offering seamless transitions from outdated systems to advanced infrastructures.

Leading the pack are solutions like IN-COM Data’s SMART TS XL, boasting robust methods that refactor aging systems into modern applications.

For many organizations leveraging technologies, some options bring legacy applications into contemporary frameworks, re-architecting, preserving essential business logic.

Many Teams are embracing application management options, streamlining processes, reengineering code, and ensuring compatibility with cloud-native architectures.

These solutions not only enhance operational efficiency for business but also mitigate risks associated with outdated systems, enabling a smoother, savings transition towards the future. And making systems cloud native.

In this article, we will explore some of the top options and software available, highlighting their features and benefits.

The Need for Modernization Software Solution

Before delving into the software, it’s crucial to understand why legacy modernization method is essential.

These systems are often characterized by their monolithic architecture and outdated programming languages, can pose several problems:


These are typically slower and less efficient than their modern counterparts, leading to increased processing times and higher operational costs.

Limited Scalability

As businesses grow and evolve, systems struggle to adapt to new demands, making it challenging to scale operations

Security Risks

Outdated systems are more susceptible to security vulnerabilities, posing a significant risk to compliance. Options for risk management in a legacy system is a very large part of this process.

Lack of Integration

These often lack the flexibility to integrate with newer technologies and platforms, hindering collaboration and innovation. Modernizing legacy applications with cloud is very important to re architecting a company.

High Maintenance Costs

Maintaining can be expensive, as finding developers familiar with outdated technologies can be challenging.

Given these challenges, application modernization, update of a legacy system and application modernization becomes imperative.

Updating or replacing outdated systems with modern, flexible, and scalable solutions to drive efficiency, improve security, and support growth is key.

Top Modernization Software

Several emerged to help businesses tackle the challenges of updating their systems, digital transformation and source code in effective ways.

These can be broadly categorized into the following areas:

1. Application Replatforming Options:

Application replatforming involves moving existing applications to a modern infrastructure without making significant changes. This approach allows existing functionality while benefiting from modern infrastructure advantages.


SMART TS XL is an innovative tool that efficiently transforms outdated systems to modern platforms, ensuring seamless integration. The largest organizations use SMART TS XL across their business to provide solutions, application modernization, visibility and improve business operations. Because it works with all platforms and languages, it is one of the most expansive legacy applications.

b. Red Hat OpenShift:

Red Hat OpenShift offers container-based application replatforming, providing scalability, agility, and automation, enabling seamless migration and efficient management of diverse workloads.”

c. Docker:

Docker simplifies application replatforming by using containers, ensuring portability, consistency, and scalability, enabling seamless deployment across diverse environments

2. Code Refactoring:

Code refactoring involves restructuring and optimizing existing code to improve its performance, maintainability, and scalability. Refactoring features help developers identify and address code issues efficiently.


SMART TS XL streamlines code refactoring, offering automated analysis, precise suggestions, and seamless execution, enhancing code quality and developer efficiency

b. SonarQube:

SonarQube is a code quality, security analysis platform that supports programming. It identifies code, bugs, and security vulnerabilities in legacy code.

3. Legacy-to-Modern Language Conversion Options:

Legacy-to-modern language conversion helps companies migrate from outdated programming languages to modern and supported languages, reducing maintenance and enhancing compatibility.

a. Microsoft PowerApps:

Microsoft PowerApps offers a low-code platform for building applications. It can help transform by creating modern, user-friendly interfaces and workflows. PowerApps supports integration with legacy sources, making migration smoother.

b. Transpilers:

Transpilers are tools that convert code written in one programming language into another. For example, tools like TypeScript transpile JavaScript into a statically typed language, enhancing code quality and maintainability. These can be valuable when modernizing older languages like COBOL or Fortran.

4. API Management and Integration Tools:

API management and integration options enable to communicate and share information with modern applications and services, facilitating interoperability.

a. MicroFocus Visual Cobol:

Micro Focus Visual COBOL is a modern COBOL development environment, enhancing with contemporary capabilities, enabling businesses to leverage their existing COBOL code for innovation and growth.

5. Cloud Migration Options:

Many opt to modernize by migrating to the cloud. Cloud migration tools assist in this process, ensuring smooth transitions to a cloud-based infrastructure.

6. Low-Code / No-Code Development Platforms:

Low-code and no-code platforms empower teams to build new applications or extend existing with minimal coding, making modernization more accessible to more users.

Benefits of Modernization Tools and Software

The adoption of these options and software can yield significant benefits for corporations:

  1. Cost Reduction: Modernized systems are often more cost-effective to maintain and operate, reducing the total cost of ownership over time.
  2. Improved Efficiency: This can lead to increased system performance, faster processing times, and improved operational efficiency.
  3. Enhanced Security: Modern systems are generally more secure, helping mitigate security risks and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.
  4. Scalability: Modernized systems can scale to accommodate increased workloads and support business growth. Digital transformation is key.
  5. Integration Capabilities: Modernization facilitate integration with newer technologies, enabling better collaboration and innovation.
  6. Reduced Technical Debt: Code refactoring and modernization options for business help address technical debt, improving code quality and maintainability.
  7. User Experience: Low-code/no-code platforms and UI modernization enhance the user experience and make applications intuitive. Business logic is immediately improved.

Challenges in Modernization Method

While these products, legacy application modernization and software offer numerous benefits, teams must also be aware of potential challenges:

  1. Complexity: These often have interdependencies, making modernization a complex endeavor.
  2. Resource Constraints: Modernization projects require time, skills, and financial resources, causing strained budgets and staffing.
  3. Data Migration: Migrating from this to modern platforms can be challenging, requiring careful planning and execution.
  4. Resistance to Change: Employees resist changes, necessitating change management strategies.
  5. Compatibility Issues: Ensuring compatibility between modernized systems and existing processes are a challenge.
  6. Regulatory Compliance: Corporations must ensure that modernized systems comply with industry regulations and privacy laws.


A critical step for anyone seeking to remain competitive in the digital era. The options in this article offer solutions for different needs for cloud technologies, whether through replatforming technology, code refactoring, language conversion, API management, or cloud migration.

This technology option helps overcome the challenges of maintaining and upgrading, leading to improved efficiency, cost savings, and security. As well as being cost effective for many services teams

SMART TS XL emerges as an exemplary choice for modernizing legacy systems due to its robust options re architecting services in seamlessly transitioning outdated systems to contemporary frameworks. Legacy application modernization is a good example of adaptive services, encompassing precise analysis, strategic planning, and agile execution, a smooth transformation cloud process for companies.

SMART TS XL not only mitigates risks for customers but enhances efficiency and productivity, providing an effective method to revitalize systems to cloud native technologies.

SMART TS XL stands out for its comprehensive approach, application modernization, addressing diverse legacy challenges while tailoring solutions for individual business needs.

Embracing this technology for application modernization heralds a future of streamlined operations, improved scalability, modernize re architecting, and a competitive edge in the landscape of modern cloud business and modernizing legacy applications.